Portrait de Pol Taburet

Pol Taburet, laureate of the Reiffers Art Initiatives Prize 2022

Pol Taburet is a young French artist originally from Guadeloupe, winner of the first edition of the Reiffers Art Initiatives Prize supporting young contemporary creation. His work was exhibited in May 2022 at the Studio des Acacias for the first group show of Reiffers Art Initiatives, entitled “DES CORPS LIBRES – Une jeune scène française”. Pol Taburet is a graduate of the École nationale supérieure d’arts of Paris-Cergy, and is already illustrated by his striking figurative painting which represents beings at the border of the human and the spectrum. Pol Taburet is featured on the cover of Numéro art 10.

Holy hole (view of the exhibition "DES CORPS LIBRES - Une jeune scène française" at the Studio des Acacias)

Pol Taburet, 2021

View of the exhibition "DES CORPS LIBRES - Une jeune scène française" at the Studio des Acacias

Pol Taburet, 2021

A rude reflection (view of the exhibition "DES CORPS LIBRES - Une jeune scène française" at the Studio des Acacias)

Pol Taburet, 2022


From voodoo to Francis Bacon and Francisco de Goya, via video games and Atlanta trap,
the multiple inspirations of Pol Taburet reflect all the syncretism of his plastic practice. At the age of 23, he is already famous for his striking figurative painting which represents beings on the border between the human and the spectrum. From these canvases of disturbing appearance emerges a magical aura, conveyed in particular by bursts of light painted with airbrush. Pol Taburet also pays tribute to his
mother only to the rites and figures linked to the quimbois, this set of voodoo beliefs and practices born in Guadeloupe, from which it partly originates.
Graduated from the National School of Arts of Paris-Cergy, his works are already present in several collections of institutions. The artist is represented by Galerie Balice Hertling, Paris and Clearing Gallery.



“Meeting the uninhibited humanoids of the young painter Pol Taburet” by Ingrid Luquet-Gad
— Les Inrockuptibles, 2021.

“What we perceive first is a pure pleasure of painting. The surfaces are sometimes dense and lumpy, sometimes translucent and luminescent. They collide and cannibalize, merge or collide. During his process, the 23-year-old artist cherishes the unexpected: without a preparatory sketch, he turns and turns his frame then, by adding a few details, freezes a fleeting appearance. Then, the glowing cavities become eyes; soft excrescences, ears or masses of bandaged muscles split with a carnivorous smile augmented by grillz.

As he begins his last year at the fine arts of Cergy, it is therefore as a painter that we meet the one who also officiates under the alias Yves Ciroc, is sometimes a clipper (he recently collaborated with Emma DJ), spent some time in fashion and is currently working on an interactive sculpture project.

But his practice of painting, of an uninhibited erudition which catapults Jonathan Meese or Peter Saul into the universe of Caribbean mythology and American trap, is only one of the many surfaces of appearance of his living humanoids which , freed from the ruts of identity, find themselves propelled into an expansive field of electrical energies.”

“Pol Taburet at CLEARING”
— Art Viewer, 2021.

“The energy of nightlife is practically audible in Pol Taburet's paintings. High tones that arise from brightly colored palettes are mixed with deep bass sounds emitted through dark, amorphous figures. Taburet's work challenges the canon of what is considered beautiful, turning the grotesque into something erotic, something that grabs our attention even if we are tempted to look away.

As a young painter, Taburet bridges the gap between the history of classical art and contemporary cinema, literature and music. Like the Flemish or German masters of the late Middle Ages, who depicted apocalyptic scenes, monsters or fantastic chimeras, Taburet creates his own alternate worlds in which souls seem lost, and we, the spectators, are seduced through these portals of hell.”