In 2019, she co-founded the Cercle International Afrique, an acquisition committee dedicated to enriching the modern and contemporary African collections of the Musée National d’Art Moderne – Centre Georges Pompidou (Beaubourg).
She actively supports young contemporary creation, as well as artists from Africa and the African diasporas.
Cathia Lawson-Hall is Head of Coverage and Investment Banking for Africa at Société Générale. She is also member of the Supervisory Board of the Vivendi Group and belongs to the Board of Directors of The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and Universal Music Group (UMG).
Cathia Lawson-Hall is also member of the Board of Directors of the Societe Generale Foundation, which oversees all of the Societe Generale Group’s philanthropic activities. Its main areas of initiatives are professional integration, education – especially for young people – and music.